St. James Rehab | Contact

Contact Us

The St. James Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Center, founded on the premise of providing quality effective physiotherapy service to all, has been serving the Polo Park area of Winnipeg since 1988. The clinic is located in Suite A - 1601 Silver Avenue, between Century and St. James streets, just west of Polo Park.

St. James Rehab Clinic entrance.            Map of 1601 Silver Avenue, Winnipeg, MB
St. James Rehab Clinic west approach.            St. James Rehab Clinic east approach.

Clinic Contact and Hours

The Physiotherapy clinic closes for all Manitoba civic and statutory holidays.

Clinic Contact Information
Address: 1601 Silver Avenue, Suite A
Winnipeg, MB R3J 4A1
Phone: 204-786-5944
Fax: 204-786-5598
GDS Massage Therapy: (204) 698-8404
Book Online: GDS Massage Therapy
Physiotherapy Clinic Hours GDS Massage Hours
(Please book online)
Mondays: 8:30 am to 1:00 pm 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Tuesdays: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Wednesdays: 11:00 am to 3:00 pm 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Thursdays: 8:30 am to 3:00 pm 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Fridays: Currently CLOSED 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturdays: CLOSED By Appointment Only
Clinic hours are subject to change

Contact us for all your physiotherapy or massage therapy needs. Book your appointment now!

Cancellation Policy

Should you find that you are unable to keep your appointment, we ask that you provide the clinic with at least 24-hours notice that you will be unable to make your appointment, prior to your scheduled appointment time. Failure to provide 24-hours notice may result in a "Cancellation" charge.

The clinic would ask that, if you are suffering Covid-19 or flu symptoms, you please contact the clinic to re-book your appointment. We would appreciate your consideration in avoiding the possibility of passing your illness on to other clients of the clinic, or to the clinic staff. No clinic charges would be applicable for re-booking an appointment due to illness.